Policies/Annual Report
ALCS Reports/Policies:
2023-2024 Annual Report
– New York State School Report Card: https://data.nysed.gov/
– Organization-wide safety plan: https://www.albanyleadership.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/ALCS-Safety-Plan-2024-2025.pdf
– FOIL Policy: https://www.albanyleadership.
– Subject matter list of FOIL records: https://www.albanyleadership.
Child Protective Services Hotline
Cellphone and Communication Device Policy
Prior to entering the building, all electronic devices such as Ipods, portable speakers, watches, etc. must be removed and turned off. Cell phones must be turned in to the Dean of Students/Assistant Principal or designee every day during the first class. Students who fail to comply with this policy will follow our progressive intervention and consequence policy, including but not limited to confiscation and mandatory parent conference in order for the device to be returned.
23-24 DASA Coordinator [High School]
Amy Lecakes
School Counselor L-Z
Extension 222