Student Supports

Mental Health & Wellness

Mental Health Wellness

Fostering positive mental health habits in adolescence is important to achieve overall well-being and to develop a framework for positive wellness into adulthood. Mental health concerns can often affect academic achievement and school success, one’s physical health, personal or social relationships and future- oriented thinking. Mental health concerns can cause a decrease in school attendance, a reduction in self-confidence, impaired ability to concentrate, a decrease in grades and discouragement in furthering one’s education beyond high school. As many adolescents struggle with various mental health concerns, it is crucial that support is prioritized and individualized interventions are established. Providing support entails crisis intervention and prevention, treatment and referrals, and development of positive social and emotional curriculum.

As part of overall health and wellness, mental health includes:

  • A sense of self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • The ability to identify, express and regulate emotions;
  • The ability to set and achieve goals;
  • Recognition of one’s creatives skills;
  • The ability to expand knowledge and skills;
  • The ability to feel and show empathy for others;
  • The ability to create and maintain satisfying relationships.

School Social Worker

Albany Leadership Charter High School for Girls has strong social work support to work with general education and special education students who have emotional or behavioral issues that impact their ability to function in a school environment. The social work team provides counseling support, recommendations to community resources, and social-emotional learning curriculum to ensure our students are equipped with the necessary tools to maintain a positive mindset and overcome academic and social challenges. Students are cultivating self-awareness and self-management skills, developing their social awareness and interpersonal skills, and learning ethical decision-making and responsible behaviors.

During the pandemic, we are providing services and support via in person chat session in the social work office (room 205), phone chats, and/or through google meets. The students may book their appointment through a program called Calendly. Calendly will allow students the opportunity to schedule their own appointments directly with a social worker. The link to Calendly is posted on the Social Work Team Schoology page and in the Resources section. This way, students can schedule their own appointments when they need additional support. Please contact us if there is any way that we can assist during these challenging times.

Social Work Office phone # 518-694-5300 ext. 226

Tara Smades School Social Worker, LMSW email

Calendly Link:

Karen Scanlon-Fish, LMSW email

Calendly Link:



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